Dual Momentary Footswitch with Latching LEDs
Dual Momentary Footswitch with Latching LEDs
This is a dual version of our popluar Momentary Footswitch with Latching LED, for when you need a dual momentary pedal but would like a latching LEDs to show if the effects you have are toggled on or off.
The pedal comes with a polarity toggle switch so you can select if the momentary switching is normally open or normally closed.
There are also sync buttons on the rear of the pedal which will switch the LEDs but not send a signal to the output socket, meaning that you can sync the LED state to the effect if it is out of sync.
Please note, the state of the LEDs will not change if you change the preset on the pedal connected to it, for example, if it is switching effect blocks on an HX Stomp, the LEDs may be out of sync with the effects they are allocated to after you change to another preset. In this case you will need to use the sync buttons on the footswitch to ensure the LED states match the effect states on the Stomp.
The LEDs and the switching circuit requires power via the 2.1mm 9v DC socket.
Then just add a stereo TRS cable and you are ready to go.
The pedal is built with:
- Aluminium enclosure
- Neutrik plug socket
- Heavy duty soft touch footswitches
- LEDs
- 2.1mm centre negative 9v DC socket (30mA)
Enclosure dimensions: